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FM transmitter using crystal

FM transmitter using crystal   Power supply   :-   Using power supply stable DC voltage 2 V to 3.7 V max. You can only use battery because battery is perfect for this circuit battery output doesn't any noise. Components  :-  Transistor BC 547 , Resistance 100 ohm, 4.7K ohm.   Capacitor 1nF, 47pF,              22pF.   Inductor 1uH. Condenser mic any .       Resistance  :-   Using resistance 100 ohm +-5% changing 1/3 watt, 4.7 K ohm +-5% changing 1/3 watt. Video link - 3 Volt Circuit Diagram Capacitor  :-   1uF this capacitor positive pin connect 4.7K ohm resistance one pin and another pin connect 2K ohm resistance one number pin. 5 Volt Circuit Diagram This Circuit Transmitter range 0.3 Kilometre (300 Metre) to 0.5 kilometre (500 Metre) without any obstacle otherwise range 0.2 Kilometre (200 metre) anywhere. It's a spy device. D...

Make Induction Heater

Make Induction Heater Video link - This circuit use full comments value or comments name. Using inductor 10uH to 100uH you can use everyone this range or heating inductor coil 5turn use 16SWG to 22SWG I am use 22SWG you can use any of this range. Using MOSFET Z44 very frist switching  Z44 frequency range 200MHZ to 4GHZ. Another MOSFET IRF540 I am using this circuit Z44 you can use any of this first switching MOSFET. Using Diode 2N4007 this is American diode This frist recover Diode you can use any frist recover Diode like 2N4107. Using resistance 330 ohm resistance use gate biasing 330 ohm to 470 ohm you can also use this range of resistance. Using 10K ohms resistance gate pin discharge or noise filter you can use 10K ohm to 20K ohm. Using capacitor 1.5uF you can use 1.5uF to 20uF range I am using this circuit 1.5uF. IRFZ44  datasheet this is a third generation Power  MOSFET ...

Make RF Amplifier using op-Amp

RF Amplifier using op-Amp

Make MW transmitter Using NE555

Make MW transmitter Using NE555   Using comments NE555 timer chip 330 ohms, 1K ohms resistance 0.001uF capacitor Condenser mic and 9V DC power supply. Power supply :-  Using supply only DC stable you can use 9Volt battery and smps supply And mobile adaptor unfortunately it is no 9Volt but approx 7V max. NE555 timer chip :- This chip number 1 pin Ground, pin 2 Trigger, pin 3 Output, Pin 4 reset, pin 5 Cout, pin 6 Three, pin 7 discharge, pin 8 VCC. Important notice this chip you cannot supply voltage 9 volt up otherwise timer cheap was burning. This chip integrated 2 op-amp or 1 SR flip-flop or one NPN transistor and voltage divider. Supply voltage minimum 4 volt up and maximum 10 volt. Capacitor :- Using capacitor 0.001uF this capacitor number 102. You can used any condenser mic MW frequency :-  Medium wave is the part of the medium frequency radio band used mainly for AM radio broadcasting. The spectrum provides about 120 channels with limite...

FM transmitter signal booster circuit Diagram

FM transmitter signal booster circuit Diagram This signal Amplifier (booster) work only FM band. Important notice you can you big antana and antana place teddies on your home. so your signal more than area of coverage this booster more than 10 km range. You can watch the video go my youtube channel. This circuit Diagram work frequency boost up low amplitude to high amplitude. You can not use MW and SW transmitter because this design for FM circuit only. Using transistor - BC547. You can use any of MHz frequency range transistor examples (BC548, 2N222 extra you can search google). Using capacitor 1uF ceramic capacitor. You can also use 1nF, 10nF, 0.001uF. capacitor place transistor or inductor maintain distance 1CM. You cannot maintain distance than your frequency more than noise added your signal. Using resistance 220K ohms and 10K ohms. Using incuctor made than use you screwdriver throttle 10 turn 20 SWG wire. Using powe supply max volt apply 15V but I am using j...

MW transmitter using NE555 timer chip

MW transmitter using NE555 timer chip Using comments NE555 timer chip 330 ohms, 1K ohms resistance 0.001uF capacitor Condenser mic and 9V DC power supply. Power supply :-  Using supply only DC stable you can use 9Volt battery and smps supply And mobile adaptor unfortunately it is no 9Volt but approx 7V max. NE555 timer chip :- This chip number 1 pin Ground, pin 2 Trigger, pin 3 Output, Pin 4 reset, pin 5 Cout, pin 6 Three, pin 7 discharge, pin 8 VCC. Important notice this chip you cannot supply voltage 9 volt up otherwise timer cheap was burning. This chip integrated 2 op-amp or 1 SR flip-flop or one NPN transistor and voltage divider. Supply voltage minimum 4 volt up and maximum 10 volt. Capacitor :- Using capacitor 0.001uF this capacitor number 102. You can used any condenser mic MW frequency :-  Medium wave is the part of the medium frequency radio band used mainly for AM radio broadcasting. The spectrum provides about 120 channels with limit...

MW transmitter using Arduino nano

MW transmitter using Arduino nano Circuit Diagram MW frequency  :-   Medium wave is the part of the medium frequency radio band used mainly for AM radio broadcasting. The spectrum provides about 120 channels with limited sound quality. During daytime, only local stations can be received. Code _____________________________________________ #define ANTENNA_PIN PB3 void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); uint32_t fTransmit = 600; DDRB |= (1 << ANTENNA_PIN); TCCR2A = (0 << COM2A1) + (1 << COM2A0); TCCR2A |= (1 << WGM21) + (0 << WGM20); TCCR2B = (0 << CS22) + (0 << CS21) + (1 << CS20); OCR2A = F_CPU / (2000 * fTransmit) - 1; char strbuf[255]; sprintf(strbuf, "Will broadcast at %d KHz", (F_CPU / (2 * (1 + OCR2A)) / 1000)); Serial.println(strbuf); TCCR1A |= (1 << WGM11) + (1 << WGM10); TCCR1B = (1 << WGM12); TCCR1B |= (0 << CS12) + (0 << CS11) + (1 << CS10); ...