FM transmitter signal booster circuit Diagram This signal Amplifier (booster) work only FM band. Important notice you can you big antana and antana place teddies on your home. so your signal more than area of coverage this booster more than 10 km range. You can watch the video go my youtube channel. This circuit Diagram work frequency boost up low amplitude to high amplitude. You can not use MW and SW transmitter because this design for FM circuit only. Using transistor - BC547. You can use any of MHz frequency range transistor examples (BC548, 2N222 extra you can search google). Using capacitor 1uF ceramic capacitor. You can also use 1nF, 10nF, 0.001uF. capacitor place transistor or inductor maintain distance 1CM. You cannot maintain distance than your frequency more than noise added your signal. Using resistance 220K ohms and 10K ohms. Using incuctor made than use you screwdriver throttle 10 turn 20 SWG wire. Using powe supply max volt apply 15V but I am using j...
All about Electronics, Radio frequency, RC transmitter,FM transmitter, Circuit Diagram, raspberry Pi project, Drone, Plane, Science Discovery, c++, etc.