Build An FM transmitter Circuit Its Working and Applications The FM transmitter is a single transistor circuit. In the telecommunication, the frequency modulation transfers the information by varying the frequency of the carrier wave according to the message signal. Generally, the FM transmitter uses VHF radio frequencie of 88.00MHz to 108.00MHz to transmitter & receiver the FM signal. This transmitter accomplishes the most excellent range with less power. The performance and working of the wireless audio transmitter circuit depend on the induction coil & variable capacitor. This article will explain the working of the FM transmitter circuit with its applications. Fm transmitter block diagram The following image shows the block diagram of the FM transmitter and the required components of the FM transmitter are; microphone, audio pre-amplifier, modulator, oscillator, RF- amplifier, and antenna. There are two frequencies in the FM signal, the first one is the c...
All about Electronics, Radio frequency, RC transmitter,FM transmitter, Circuit Diagram, raspberry Pi project, Drone, Plane, Science Discovery, c++, etc.