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POWER FULL LONG RANGE FM TRANSMITTER Circuit Diagram Powersupply   :-   Using power supply stable DC voltage  5V  max. You can only use battery because battery is perfect for this circuit battery output doesn't any noise. Components  :-  Transistor BC547, Resistance 100 ohms, 4.7K ohms, 1K ohms, 27K ohms.   Capacitor 0.2uF, 0.5uF, 0.047uF, 6.8pF, 22pF.   Inductor 1uH. Condenser mic any. Resistance  :-   Using resistance 100 ohme +-5% changing 1/3watt, 4.7K ohms +-5% changing 1/3watt, 1K ohms +-5% changing 1/3watt, 27K ohms +-5% changing 1/3watt. Capacitor  :-   0.5uF this capacitor number 504 non-polar, 33pF this capacitor number 33 non-polar, 6.8pF this capacitor number 6.8 non-polar, 0.2uF this capacitor number 204. Inductor  :-   This part important part for any transmitter circuit, 1uH 5Turn 24SWG. Transistor  :-   BC547  is an NPN Bipolar junction transistor. It ...

Make robot at home

Make robot at home Circuit Diagram Code   #include <AFMotor.h> #include <NewPing.h> #include <Servo.h> #define TRIG_PIN A0 #define ECHO_PIN A1 #define MAX_DISTANCE 200 #define MAX_SPEED 150 // sets speed of DC motors #define MAX_SPEED_OFFSET 20 NewPing sonar(TRIG_PIN, ECHO_PIN, MAX_DISTANCE); AF_DCMotor motor1(1, MOTOR12_1KHZ); //AF_DCMotor motor2(2, MOTOR12_1KHZ); //AF_DCMotor motor3(3, MOTOR34_1KHZ); AF_DCMotor motor4(4, MOTOR34_1KHZ); Servo myservo; boolean goesForward=false; int distance = 100; int speedSet = 0; void setup() { myservo.attach(10); myservo.write(115); delay(1000); distance = readPing(); delay(100); distance = readPing(); delay(100); distance = readPing(); delay(100); distance = readPing(); delay(100); } void loop() { int distanceR = 0; int distanceL = 0; delay(40); if(distance<=15) { moveStop(); delay(100); moveBackward(); delay(300); moveStop(); delay(20...

Arduino robot in hindi at home

Make Arduino robot in hindi at home CIRCUIT DIGRAM  :- Code copy and paste to Arduino IDE  And code upload hear Bellow ↓  ↓ Arduino Nano V3.0 ATmega328P ( Arduino Compatible ) //ARDUINO OBSTACLE AVOIDING CAR// // Before uploading the code you have to install the necessary library// //AFMotor Library // //NewPing Library //Servo Library // // To Install the libraries go to sketch >> Include Library >> Add .ZIP File >> Select the Downloaded ZIP files From the Above links // #include <AFMotor.h> #include <NewPing.h> #include <Servo.h> #define TRIG_PIN A0 #define ECHO_PIN A1 #define MAX_DISTANCE 200 #define MAX_SPEED 190 // sets speed of DC motors #define MAX_SPEED_OFFSET 20 NewPing sonar(TRIG_PIN, ECHO_PIN, MAX_DISTANCE); AF_DCMotor motor1(1,...

Traffic control system by

Traffic control system A rduino code

Make LDR circuit

               Make LDR Circuit Used Transistor - BC547. Used Resistances -  4.7K ohms, 100 ohms Used Light Depandade Resistance - Used Supply - DC 3.7V battery                                               

Fm transmitter by using transistor

      Make FM transmitter by using Transistor transistor - bc547 Resistance - 4.7K ohm, 100 ohm .                                    Capacitor - 33PF, 47PF/6.8PF, 1nF. Inductor coil - 0.1 mH. Condenser mic Use battery 3.7V DC Power supply   :-  Using power supply stable DC voltage 3.7V max. You can only use battery because battery is perfect for this circuit battery output doesn't any noise. Components  :-  Transistor BC547, Resistance 100 ohms, 4.7K ohms. Capacitor 1nF, 6.8pF, 33pF. Inductor 1uH. Condenser mic any. Resistance  :-   Using resistance 100 ohme +-5% changing 1/3watt, 4.7K ohms +-5% changing 1/3watt. Capacitor  :-   1nF this capacitor number 102 non-polar, 33pF this capacitor number 33 non-polar, 6.8pF this capacitor number 6.8 non-polar. Inductor ...

MOSFET boost converter

The 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit used in a variety of timer, pulse generation, and oscillator applications. The 555 can be used to provide time delays, as an oscillator, and as a flip-flop element. Derivatives provide two or four timing circuits in one package.