Circuit Diagram
Power supply
Using power supply stable DC voltage 5V max. You can only use battery because battery is perfect for this circuit battery output doesn't any noise.
Using resistance 100 ohme +-5% changing 1/3watt, 4.7K ohms +-5% changing 1/3watt, 1K ohms +-5% changing 1/3watt, 27K ohms +-5% changing 1/3watt.
0.5uF this capacitor number 504 non-polar, 33pF this capacitor number 33 non-polar, 6.8pF this capacitor number 6.8 non-polar, 0.2uF this capacitor number 204.
This part important part for any transmitter circuit, 1uH 5Turn 24SWG.
BC547 is an NPN Bipolar junction transistor. It is commonly used to amplify current. A small current at its base controls a larger current at collector & emitter terminals. It has a transition frequency range up to 100 MHz. When using the transistor as a switch, the max current rating poses a limit on the type of loads that it can drive.
The FM transmitter is a circuit that uses a very low power to operate and does uses (Frequency Modulation) FM Waves to transmit the sound. With the help of such FM transmitters we can easily transmit the audio signals through the carrier waves with different frequencies. Frist condenser microphone enter voice signal than go to amplification or filter than go to transistor base and transistor switch to activate VCC come out to inductor than generate frequency inductor noise filter 22pF capacitor vcc go through transistor collector to emitter through 100 ohms resistance and transistor collector noise clear through 47pF.
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